Robert Arp

Вариант написания автора Роберт Арп на английском

I am a professional technical writer and editor with interests that include: ontology in the information science sense (to learn more about ontology, see the Wikipedia page for a start), data modeling, Western philosophy in general, and philosophy and popular culture. I have done a lot of teaching, researching, presenting, editing, and publishing in the areas mentioned above, and in other areas, too.

See my website at:

I am author of Scenario Visualization: An Evolutionary Account of Creative Problem Solving (MIT Press, 2008); co-author of Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology (MIT Press, in preparation), Philosophy DeMYSTiFieD (McGraw-Hill, 2011), Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning Well (Continuum Press, 2011), What's Good on TV? Teaching Ethics through Television (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), and The Critical Thinker's Toolkit (Wiley-Blackwell, in preparation); editor of South Park and Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006) and Tattoos-Philosophy for Everyone: I Ink, Therefore I Am (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012); co-editor of Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), Philosophy of Biology: An Anthology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), Information and Living Systems: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives (MIT Press, 2011), Contemporary Debates in Bioethics (Wiley-Blackwell, in preparation), Batman and Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), Breaking Bad and Philosophy (Open Court, 2012), The Philosophy of Ang Lee (University Press of Kentucky, 2012), and The Philosophy of J.J. Abrams (University Press of Kentucky, 2012).

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