A Gift of Wings

Once in a generation a book, a vision, a writer, capture the imagination and emotions of millions. Jonathan Livingston Seagull was such a book. Richard Bach’s unique vision again shines forth, touching with magic the drama of life in all its limitless horizons. Once again Richard Bach has written a masterpiece to help you touch that part of your home that is the sky.


“He captures the sheer exhilaration, at moments approaching exaltation, that he experiences up there.”
— San Francisco Chronicle.

A Gift of Wings
The joy of flight.
The magic of flight.
The meaning of flight.
The endless challenge and
infinite rewards of flight.
  This is what Richard Bach writes about.
For all who wish to rise above their earth-bound existences to feast on the freedom and adventure that Richard Bach knows and loves and recreates so magnificently, this book offers—
A Gift of Wings