Даниэль Эстулин



My name is Daniel Estulin, I am a researcher and expert in knowledge arcana .

I was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, former Soviet Union, August 29, 1966. I speak Russian, English, Spanish. I have visited more than 100 countries in my lifetime.

My main interest is to investigate and discover something that takes in hiding since 1000 years ago. Unearthing secrets. As a boy I liked to save things that reminded me of times or special moments of my life. When we left the Soviet Union, we lost it all, almost all the pictures of our family since the 1920s. We are left with two suitcases and my mother's piano that the customs of the KGB at the border, broke in front of us.

I am a free person, I have always lived rent. I am free, absolutely free. No one and nothing binds me to a place. I love freedom. I do not want to know anything about mortgages, mortgage loans, or money borrowed from banks.

I have no television. In fact, I never had. I love reading, especially Russian literature, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, European classical same period. I love the literature of Vladimir Nabokov and like all Russians, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin's poetry. My favorite authors are Flaubert, Jane Austin, James Joyce, Leo Tolstoy, Bunin something a little Kuprin, and I love the poetry of Khodosevich, Gogol and Praust.

Investigate the secret activities of the Bilderberg Club for fifteen years. My first book on the Club, The True Story of the Bilderberg Club, published by Planeta in 2005 has become an international bestseller, present in 42 countries and translated into 24 languages and has been awarded the prize in Canada The Kingston Eye Opener for best nonfiction book abroad.

In my next book, The Secrets of Club Bilderberg, revealing the hidden machinations of the leading politicians and businessmen of our time and show how The Bilderberg Club culture has been manipulated to make it an instrument of mass brainwashing and how it has served conflicts such as Kosovo or Afghanistan to consolidate its monopoly in one of the most lucrative of all time: the drug trade.

Sometimes putting at risk my own life, I discovered the evil intentions of this powerful organization and its members have unmasked. I was one of only two journalists around the world found out and reported the secret meeting of the Bilderberg Club in Bavaria in 2005 and have been the most outstanding journalist in the coverage of the recent meeting of 2006 in Canada.

Today, it has sold 3.5 million books in 79 countries, 49 languages and five continents.

My last trip was interesting to go to Thailand from August 2009 until late February 2010, finishing my last book just came out called THE SHADOW MASTERS USA, an investigation into the alleged seller of the most dangerous weapons of all time, the Russian Victor Bout. Bout is currently in jail for KlongPrem, the worst prison of all Southeast Asia, also known as Bangkok Hilton. The Americans want to extradite him. If successful, you can drop Bout 350 years in prison. In my book, I discover that the story told is a lie Bout as a cathedral. The aim to discredit Russia, the only country in the way of the One World Government.

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